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Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League v. Regan

A district court granted in part environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a CAA citizen suit concerning EPA's duty to update emissions standards for hazardous waste combustors. The groups sought declaratory judgment stating that EPA failed to comply with its obligations and injunctive re...

Texas v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fifth Circuit granted EPA's motion to vacate its disapprovals of portions of regional haze SIPs submitted by Texas and Oklahoma and the issuance of federal implementation plans (FIPs) establishing a long-term strategy and/or reasonable progress goals for the states. EPA argued that because key d...

Kentucky v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Sixth Circuit vacated EPA's 2023 disapproval of a SIP proposed by Kentucky to comply with Agency changes to ozone NAAQS. Kentucky challenged the disapproval, which rested on different modeling that came out after the Agency's deadline for submitting the plan and on a lower threshold than the one...

Environment Texas Citizen Lobby, Inc. v. ExxonMobil Corp.

In a per curiam opinion, a divided en banc Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court's civil penalty award of $14.25 million against an oil company in a long-running dispute concerning alleged CAA permit violations at an industrial complex in Baytown, Texas. Environmental groups had filed a CAA citize...

California Coastkeeper Alliance v. Consumes Corp.

A district court granted summary judgment for an environmental group in a lawsuit alleging that an equestrian center was unlawfully discharging pollutants into waters of the United States. The group argued the center discharged wastewater into adjacent waters without an NPDES permit, which it was re...

Greenwich Terminals LLC v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

A district court vacated the Army Corps of Engineers' permit approvals under the CWA and the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) for development of a new port along the Delaware River. Three upriver ports challenged the Corps' decisionmaking process under the APA. The court found the Corps did not engage i...

Save the Colorado v. Semonite

A district court held that the Army Corps of Engineers violated the CWA and NEPA by issuing a dredge-and-fill permit to a municipal water utility to allow a dam expansion project in Denver. Environmental groups argued the Corps violated the CWA by excluding alternatives as impracticable based on an ...

Sierra Club v. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation

In an unpublished opinion, the Sixth Circuit granted environmental groups' motion to stay CWA permits issued for construction of a proposed pipeline in Tennessee. The groups argued the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the Army Corps of Engineers violated the CWA by fai...