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Conservation Law Foundation v. ExxonMobil Corp.

A district court stayed an environmental group's climate change lawsuit against an oil company concerning a CWA permit for its petroleum storage facility in Massachusetts. The group argued that the permit required the company to consider predictable weather patterns, including flooding and severe st...

Juliana v. United States

The Ninth Circuit reversed a district court ruling that a group of youths had standing to sue the U.S. government for allegedly failing to act on climate change and violating their right to a safe climate. The youths argued that the government violated their constitutional rights under the Fifth and...

People of New York v. Exxon Mobil Corp.

New York's high court dismissed the state's securities fraud lawsuit concerning an oil company's accounting of climate change risks. The state argued that the company made misrepresentations and omissions that were material to its investors about how climate change would affect its business by using...

Rhode Island v. Chevron Corp.

A district court granted Rhode Island's motion to remand to state court a challenge against energy companies for contributing to climate change. The state argued its challenge should be removed back to state, where it was initially brought, to seek relief for the damage the companies had and would i...

Animal Legal Defense Fund v. United States

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by nonprofit groups and individuals alleging that climate change and the U.S. government's failure to protect them from the effects of climate change violated their constitutional right to a safe and sustainable environment. Plaintiffs argued the governme...

Center for Biological Diversity v. United States Department of State

A district court dismissed a request to compel the State Department to release two reports concerning U.S. greenhouse gas emissions as required by the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. An environmental group argued that the treaty required the agency to publicly disclose the reports, but ...

Clean Air Council v. United States

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by an environmental group and two children challenging federal rollbacks of environmental regulations. The plaintiffs sought a declaration that the government could not implement rollbacks that increased the frequency of or intensified the effects of clim...

Chernaik v. Brown

An Oregon appellate court upheld a lower court's finding that the public trust doctrine does not require the state to defend the environment from climate change. Plaintiff children had sought declaratory relief for the state's failure to take sufficient steps to protect its public trust resources fr...