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76 FR 29652

SIP Approval: Illinois/Missouri (attainment of the 1997 annual PM NAAQS for the Saint Louis nonattainment area)

75 FR 82536

EPA finalized rulemaking that narrows thresholds of SIP PSD programs in 24 states that apply to GHG-emitting sources.

76 FR 26933

SIP Approval: Connecticut (PSD program for greenhouse gases (GHGs))

75 FR 82269

EPA approved Florida's plan under the CAA for implementing and enforcing the emissions guidelines applicable to existing large municipal waste combustors.

76 FR 31242

SIP Approval: California (limited approval of NOx revisions for the Santa Barbara County air pollution control district)

75 FR 82254

EPA finalized rulemaking that narrows thresholds for Title V permitting programs under the Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule.

76 FR 30025

SIP Approval: California (VOC emissions for the Placer County and Ventura County air pollution control districts)

75 FR 82246

EPA established a federal implementation plan for Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, and Wyoming because their SIPs fail to apply PSD requirements to sources of GHG emissions.

76 FR 29153

SIP Approval: California (VOCs for the Mojave Desert air quality management district)

75 FR 81874

EPA determined that Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, and Wyoming have failed to submit revisions to their EPA-approved SIPs to apply PSD requirements to GHG-emitting sources.