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75 FR 82370

EPA proposed to approve Florida's plan under the CAA for implementing and enforcing the emissions guidelines applicable to existing large municipal waste combustors; see above for direct final rule.

75 FR 81366

EPA requested information and public comment on the reporting of inputs to emission equations under the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule.

75 FR 81350

EPA proposed to defer the reporting date of certain data elements for emission equations under the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule for three years; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 9610

United States v. Ampersand Chowchilla Biomass, LLC, No. 1:11-cv-00242 (E.D. Cal. Feb. 14, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for violations at its biomass electric-generating facilities in Madera, California, must pay a $343,000 civil penalty to the United States and the San Joaquin Valley unified air pollution control district, must install additional emissions monitoring equipment, and must comply with permit conditions over a two-year period or face stipulated penalties.

76 FR 9609

United States v. Merced Power LLC, No. 1:11-cv-00241 (E.D. Cal. Feb. 14, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for violations at its biomass electric-generating facilities in Merced, California, must pay a $492,000 civil penalty to the United States and the San Joaquin Valley unified air pollution control district, must install additional emissions monitoring equipment, and must comply with permit conditions over a two-year period or face stipulated penalties

76 FR 9052

United States v. CEMEX, Inc., No. 3:11-cv-00037 (S.D. Ohio Feb. 10, 2011). Settling CAA defendants responsible for violations at a Portland cement manufacturing plant in Greene County, Ohio, must pay a $1,400,000 civil penalty to the United States and Ohio and must install and operate appropriate emission controls at their kiln.

76 FR 9052

United States v. CEMEX, Inc., No. 3:11-cv-00037 (S.D. Ohio Feb. 10, 2011). Settling CAA defendants responsible for violations at a Portland cement manufacturing plant in Greene County, Ohio, must pay a $1,400,000 civil penalty to the United States and Ohio and must install and operate appropriate emission controls at their kiln.

75 FR 81179

SIP Proposal: Nebraska (PSD program and GHG construction permit regulations).

76 FR 5609

United States v. HOVENSA L.L.C., No. 1:11-cv-6 (D.V.I. Jan. 26, 2011). A settling CAA defendant responsible for violations at its petroleum refinery in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, must pay civil penalties and must perform injunctive relief to reduce emissions at the facility.