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75 FR 78949

SIP Proposal: West Virginia (revision to PSD program).

75 FR 81555

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (reasonably available control technology for multiple sources; see above for direct final rule).

75 FR 75656

SIP Proposal: New Hampshire (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Boston-Manchester-Portsmouth nonattainment area).

75 FR 81555

SIP Proposal: Minnesota (SO2 emissions; see above for direct final rule).

75 FR 78646

SIP Proposal: Minnesota (PM emissions; see above for direct final rule).

75 FR 77595

SIP Proposal: Georgia (attainment of the 1997 annual average fine PM NAAQS for the Rome nonattainment area).

75 FR 74673

SIP Proposal: Georgia (Stage II gasoline vapor recovery rule; see above for direct final rule).

75 FR 77798

SIP Proposal: Delaware (VOC emissions from portable fuel containers; see above for direct final rule).

75 FR 78950

SIP Proposal: Colorado (revised modeling of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Denver metro area/North Front Range nonattainment area).