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Amigos Bravos v. United States Bureau of Land Management,

A district court denied environmental groups' petition for review challenging BLM's and the U.S. Forest Service's approval of several oil and gas lease sales in the San Juan Basin of northern New Mexico. The groups, who were concerned that the leases would contribute to ozone emissions, impact publi...

76 FR 37954

EPA revised the performance standards for new stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines under CAA §111(b).

76 FR 37274

EPA finalized an update to a portion of the outer continental shelf air regulations for Alaska. 

76 FR 35744

EPA amended the NESHAP for the plating and polishing area source category to exclude bench-scale activities.

United States v. Midwest Generation LLC

A district court dismissed claims that an energy company is responsible for PSD violations at five coal-fired power plants it owns in Illinois. The court previously granted the company's motion to dismiss in 2010, but the United States, Illinois, and several citizen groups filed an amended c...

Sierra Club v. Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

The Wyoming Supreme Court upheld a state-issued air quality permit authorizing a power plant's construction of a proposed coal-to-liquid facility and an associated underground coal mine. The court rejected an environmental group's claims that the permit fails to consider significant sulfur d...

Texas v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fifth Circuit granted EPA's request to transfer to the D.C. Circuit Texas' petition for review of the Agency's call for revisions to the state's SIP because its prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) provisions fail to control greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases have not always bee...