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76 FR 32113

SIP Proposal: California (volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions for the San Joaquin Valley unified air pollution control district and the Imperial County air pollution control district).

United States v. DTE Energy Co.

A district court held that an energy company did not violate the CAA when it failed to obtain a new source review (NSR) permit prior to renovating electric utility steam generating units at its Monroe, Michigan, power plant. The government argued that a permit was required because the renovations co...

Sierra Club v. Khanjee Holding (US) Inc.

The Seventh Circuit upheld a $100,000 penalty assessment against three power plant developers for PSD permit violations at a proposed coal-fired power plant site. The court previously held that the developers' PSD permit expired because they failed to begin construction within the permit's 18-month ...

76 FR 36875

South Carolina (PSD and nonattainment new source review requirements).

76 FR 34000

Pennsylvania (air pollution control rules and regulations for Allegheny County).

76 FR 32321

Pennsylvania (quality assurance for the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program).

76 FR 31856

Pennsylvania (control techniques guidelines for flat wood paneling surface coating processes).

76 FR 36329

Idaho (regional haze program and interstate transport plan).

76 FR 33651

Idaho (regional haze and best available retrofit technology requirements).