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88 FR 54534

SIP Proposal: Florida (removal of Clean Air Interstate Rule and several reasonably available control technology rules for particulate matter).

88 FR 54257

SIP Proposal: California (revisions related to excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events in the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District).

88 FR 54259

SIP Proposal: Washington (revisions to Southwest Clean Air Agency’s requirements for Stage I and Stage II vapor recovery systems at gasoline dispensing facilities).

88 FR 54240

SIP Approval: Washington (updates to Smoke Management Plan).

88 FR 53793

SIP Approval: Alaska (revisions to ice fog and sulfur dioxide regulations).

88 FR 53802

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (revisions to general provisions regarding air resources, operating permit requirements, and plan approval and operating permit fees).

88 FR 53798

SIP Approval: North Carolina (changes to air pollution control requirements that modify several definitions, clarify applicability requirements, adjust the requirement for fugitive dust control plan submissions, and make minor language and formatting changes).

88 FR 53795

SIP Approval: North Carolina (changes to North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s regulations regarding bulk gasoline terminals and plants, gasoline cargo tanks and vapor collection systems, and leak tightness and vapor leak requirements).

88 FR 53800

SIP Approval: Tennessee (revisions pertaining to CAA “good neighbor” provision for the 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide NAAQS).

88 FR 54118

EPA proposed amendments to its Air Emissions Reporting Requirements that would require state, local, and tribal agencies to report emissions data to EPA using different approaches from current requirements, and require owners/operators of some facilities to report additional emissions data.