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88 FR 66690

SIP Approval: Washington (revised outdoor and agricultural burning rule).

88 FR 66336

EPA proposed to add requirements for sources to reclassify from major source status to area source status under the NESHAP program.

88 FR 66278

EPA approved delegation of authority to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for implementing and enforcing the CAA Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction on or Before July 17, 2014, and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since July 17, 2014.

88 FR 65816

SIP Approval: California (revisions to new source review permitting program for Placer County Air Pollution Control District).

Conservation Law Foundation, Inc. v. Academy Express

A district court granted summary judgment for several bus companies in a CAA citizen suit alleging that the companies excessively idled their buses in violation of Massachusetts and Connecticut law. The companies moved for summary judgment, asserting the group lacked standing. The court found the co...

88 FR 65647

SIP Proposal: California (revisions to new source review permitting program for the Amador Air District).

88 FR 65336

SIP Proposal: California (second 10-year maintenance plan for the 24-hour particulate matter NAAQS in the Sacramento County planning area).

88 FR 63951

The EPA Administrator signed an order granting in part and denying in part a petition from Earthjustice, on behalf of Elyria and Swansea Neighborhood Association and other groups, requesting that EPA object to a CAA operating permit issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to Suncor Energy, Inc. for its Refinery Plant 2 Facility in Adams County, Colorado.

88 FR 63529

SIP Approval: Missouri (revisions to Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Sulfur Dioxide Group 1 Trading Program).