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88 FR 85112

SIP Approval: Louisiana (disapproval of revisions concerning excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction). 

88 FR 85124

EPA approved Indiana’s state plan to control air pollutants from municipal solid waste landfills under §111(d) of the CAA. 

88 FR 84626

SIP Approval: Alaska (partial approval and partial disapproval of submissions to address requirements for the 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter (PM2.5) NAAQS in the Fairbanks North Star Borough PM2.5 nonattainment area). 

88 FR 84241

SIP Approval: Ohio (source-specific volatile organic compound limit, excluding water and exempt solvents, for the applicable process lines at Forest City Technologies, Plant 4, in Wellington, Ohio). 

88 FR 83889

EPA proposed amendments to NESHAPs for the oil and gas industry issued under the CAA that would remove the affirmative defense provisions of NESHAPs for both the Oil and Natural Gas Production source category and the Natural Gas Transmission and Storage source category.

88 FR 83940

EPA announced the availability of the letter it sent to West Virginia acknowledging West Virginia's delegation of authority to implement and enforce NESHAPs and the New Source Performance Standards.

88 FR 83939

EPA announced the availability of the letter it sent to Virginia acknowledging Virginia's delegation of authority to implement and enforce NESHAPs and the New Source Performance Standards.

88 FR 83151

United States v. Ingredion Inc., No. 23-2111 (S.D. Ind. Nov. 21, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CAA defendant that allegedly violated emissions limits and operation and monitoring requirements of its air permits for a wet corn mill facility in Indianapolis, Indiana, must, among other things, pay a $1,139,600 civil penalty, install and operate new equipment to meet particulate matter limits that are lower than the facility's current permitted limits, implement a modernized compliance management system to address repeated operation and monitoring failures at the facility, and contribute $560,400 to the state of Indiana to support brownfields redevelopment in and around Marion County, Indiana.

88 FR 83144

FWS announced the availability of a draft addendum to the Federal Land Managers' Air Quality Related Values Work Group's Phase 1 Report that includes a provision related to temporary emissions.