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89 FR 1482

SIP Proposal: Massachusetts (regional haze). 

89 FR 1150

EPA proposed to update its Title V operating permit program regulations to clarify the limited situations in which requirements under the new source review preconstruction permitting program would be reviewed using EPA’s unique Title V oversight authorities. 

89 FR 451

EPA updated the portion of the outer continental shelf air regulations for which Maryland is the designated corresponding onshore area. 

89 FR 39

SIP Proposal: Arizona (revisions concerning issuance of permits for stationary sources). 

89 FR 178

SIP Proposal: Kansas (disapproval of revisions concerning regional haze). 

88 FR 90138

SIP Proposal: California (revisions to rule governing the issuance of permits for stationary sources in the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District, and revisions to clarify that the district is not subject to the federal implementation plan related to the protection of visibility). 

88 FR 90121

SIP Approval: Arkansas (revisions to rules concerning implementation for air pollution control). 

88 FR 89589

SIP Approval: Oklahoma (control of emission of volatile organic compounds and emission of volatile organic compounds in nonattainment areas and former nonattainment areas). 

88 FR 89587

SIP Approval: California (updated transportation conformity procedures and exchange of travel data for emissions inventories developed for air quality plans and regional transportation conformity analyses in the San Francisco Bay Area). 

88 FR 89593

SIP Approval: New York (amendments to regulations governing an existing emission statement program for stationary sources).