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89 FR 7655

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (particulate matter emission mitigation requirements for industry operating in the portion of Allegheny County known as “Mon Valley” during weather-related pollution episodes, and amendments to Allegheny County’s open burning regulation). 

89 FR 7622

SIP Approval: California (nonattainment new source review requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Butte County Air Quality Management District). 

89 FR 7318

SIP Proposal: Nevada (nonattainment new source review requirements for the 2015 ozone NAAQS). 

89 FR 7320

SIP Proposal: California (disapproval of revisions to meet requirements for the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin ozone nonattainment area). 

89 FR 7289

SIP Approval: Alabama (2006 24-hour fine particulate matter NAAQS limited maintenance plan for the Birmingham maintenance area). 

89 FR 6475

SIP Proposal: Florida (updates to conformity rule).

89 FR 6082

SIP Proposal: New Hampshire (amendments to enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program regulation). 

89 FR 5770

EPA found that California failed to submit SIP elements required under the CAA to implement the 2012 NAAQS for fine particulate matter in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin. 

89 FR 5145

EPA proposed to reclassify the San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Houston-Galveston Brazoria ozone nonattainment areas from moderate to serious for the 2015 ozone NAAQS. 

89 FR 5318

EPA proposed a regulation to implement the requirements of the CAA as specified in the Methane Emissions Reduction Program of the Inflation Reduction Act; the regulation would implement calculation procedures, flexibilities, and exemptions related to the waste emissions charge and establish confidentiality determinations for data elements included in waste emissions charge filings.