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United States v. Tarkowski

The court awards an individual's attorneys $95,153.02 in attorney fees and expenses under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) for defending the individual in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) suit brought by the government. The government sued the in...

Canadyne-Georgia Corp. v. Cleveland

The court holds that a pesticide manufacturing partnership is liable for response costs in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) §113 contribution action brought by the corporation that purchased the partnership's assets. The court first holds that the val...

Concrete Sales & Servs., Inc. v. Blue Bird Body Co.

The court holds that two customers of an electroplating company did not "arrange for" the disposal of the company's hazardous waste under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) §107(a), and, therefore, the company could not seek contribution from the customer...

Gerber v. Norton

The D.C. Circuit held that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) violated the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by failing to make available for public comment critical information in connection with a developer's incidental take permit application and by failing to make a statutorily mandated finding...

Briggs & Stratton Corp. v. Concrete Sales & Servs.

The court holds that under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the former owners of a contaminated site in Georgia are liable for the disposal of hazardous waste at the site. A potentially responsible party (PRP) shipped containers of hazardous waste t...

Newark Group, Inc. v. Dopaco, Inc.

A district court held that a property owner may go forward with its RCRA claims against a former tenant that stored toluene in a building on the site. The owner demolished all but the basement floor of the building. High concentrations of methane gas exist under the building due to degrading toluene...