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82 FR 16331

EPA announced it is reviewing the 2016 Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards in accordance with the March 28, 2017, presidential executive order.

82 FR 16329

EPA announced it will review the Clean Power Plan in accordance with the March 28, 2017, presidential executive order.

82 FR 15522

EPA published an initial inventory report of the supply, use, and trade of mercury in accordance with the Lautenberg Act and TSCA.

82 FR 13778

NRC requested comments on a draft rule that would amend its regulations for the decommissioning of nuclear power reactors.

82 FR 13282

EPA has determined that DOE's Compliance Recertification Application for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is complete.

82 FR 12088

FERC announced the availability of its final guidance manual for environmental report preparation, including updated guidance on how interstate and liquefied natural gas projects may demonstrate compliance with certain regulatory requirement.

82 FR 11878

EPA has denied a TSCA §6 petition requesting it prohibit the purposeful addition of fluoridation chemicals to U.S. water supplies.

82 FR 10547

EPA finalized tolerances for residues of the ovicide/miticide hexythiazox in or on beet, sugar, root, and beet, sugar, dried pulp and established tolerances associated with regional registrations for residues on Bermuda grass, forage and Bermuda grass, hay.

82 FR 10502

NRC issued a draft regulatory guide, "Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations," for public comment.

82 FR 7432

EPA proposed to prohibit the manufacture, import, processing, and distribution of trichloroethylene for use in vapor degreasing, and to require manufacturers to provide downstream notification of these prohibitions throughout the supply chain, under TSCA.