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83 FR 8212

EPA proposed to set user fees under TSCA for fiscal years 2019, 2020, and 2021 and to amend long-standing user fee regulations governing the review of premanufacture notices, exemption applications and notices, and significant new use notices; once implemented, certain manufacturers and processors would be required to pay a prescribed fee for each notice, exemption application, and data set submitted or chemical substance subject to a risk evaluation in order for EPA to recover certain costs associated with carrying out certain work under TSCA. 

83 FR 7924

BLM proposed to revise a 2016 final rule—Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservationto reduce unnecessary compliance burdens; in addition to seeking coment on the proposal, BLM also seeks comment on ways that it can reduce the waste of natural gas by incentivizing the capture, reinjection, or beneficial use of the gas.

83 FR 7239

NRC seeks comment on its draft test methodology for evaluating flood penetration seal performance at nuclear power plants.

83 FR 3344

EPA submitted an information collection request, "Pesticide Data Call-in Program" to OMB for review and approval.

82 FR 57874

EPA is withdrawing the December 12, 2016, update to formaldehyde emission standards for composite wood products under TSCA.

82 FR 56824

EPA is requesting comments on whether to revise the current size standards for small manufacturers and processors under TSCA.

82 FR 51160

EPA announced the availability of its final report on Agency actions that potentially burden the safe, efficient development of domestic energy resources under Executive Order No. 13738, "Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth."

82 FR 50517

FERC issued its report reviewing its actions pursuant to Executive Order No. 13783, "Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth," which identifies nine agency actions that potentially materially burden the development or use of domestic energy resources as contemplated by the Executive Order.

82 FR 50491

DOE announced the availability of its report issued under Executive Order No. 13783, "Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth," which provides the recommendations of DOE's Regulatory Reform Task Force to reduce regulatory burdens on domestic energy resources.

82 FR 50084

EPA amended tolerances for ovicide/miticide hexythiazox residue under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.