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83 FR 30054

EPA finalized reporting requirements for the TSCA Mercury Inventory.

83 FR 28858

FWS seeks comment on a summary report detailing analysis of the use of an updated collision risk model to predict the number of golden and bald eagles that may be killed at new wind facilities.

83 FR 27291

EPA added a nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) category to the list of toxic chemicals subject to reporting under EPCRA §313 and Pollution Prevention Act §6607; short-chain NPEs are highly toxic to aquatic organisms and longer chain NPEs, while not as toxic as short-chain NPEs, can break down in the environment to short-chain NPEs and nonylphenol, both of which are highly toxic to aquatic organisms.

83 FR 23771

The President issued Executive Order No. 13834, Efficient Federal Operations, which directs each federal agency to reduce waste, cut costs, enhance the resilience of federal infrastructure and operations, and enable more effective accomplishment of its mission.

83 FR 20004

EPA withdrew several rulemaking efforts listed in the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda for which the Agency no longer intends to issue a final regulatory action, including the groundwater and pesticide management plan rule (proposed June 26, 1996) and registration requirements for antimicrobial pesticide products (proposed September 17, 1999).

83 FR 17782

EPA added a supplemental analysis to the rulemaking docket for its proposal to set user fees under TSCA that provides additional estimates for the impact of setting the small business definition based on an employee-based threshold; the Agency also extended the comment deadline for the user fee rule to May 24, 2018.

83 FR 14375

EPA announced June 1, 2018, as the court-ordered date for compliance with formaldehyde regulations under TSCA Title VI regarding emission standards, recordkeeping, and labeling of composite wood products.

83 FR 12385

EPA announced the availability of a Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2018-1, "Determination of Minor Use under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Section 2(ll),"  which describes the method used by EPA for evaluating whether a minor use does not provide "sufficient economic incentive;" it supersedes PR Notice 97-2. 

83 FR 11748

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on three draft guidance documents that address the expanded categories of people to whom EPA may disclose TSCA confidential business information, namely, state, tribal, and local governments; environmental, health, and medical professionals; and emergency responders.

83 FR 8930

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management adjusted the maximum civil penalty amount for oil and gas and sulfur operations in the outer continental shelf to account for inflation.