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84 FR 66369

EPA seeks comment on which per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances it should consider adding to the list of toxic chemicals subject to reporting under EPCRA and the Pollution Prevention Act.

84 FR 65383

EPA proposed to approve the remote-handled transuranic waste characterization program implemented at DOE's Sandia National Laboratories.

84 FR 60986

EPA denied an August 7, 2019, petition to prohibit the use of hydrofluoric acid in manufacturing processes at oil refineries and require a phase-out of use at such facilities within two years.

84 FR 60393

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the systematic review protocol for the perfluorodecanoic acid, perfluorononanoic acid, perfluorohexanoic acid, perfluorohexanesulfonate, and perfluorobutonoic acid integrated risk information system assessments, which presents methods for conducting systematic reviews and dose response analyses and summarizes the Agency's problem formulation activities.

84 FR 58666

EPA proposed changes to the agricultural worker protection standard to simplify pesticide application exclusion zone requirements.

84 FR 57471

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced the availability of and seeks comment on its Draft Proposed Guidelines for Providing Information on Lighting and Marking of Structures Supporting Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), which, among other things, makes recommendations regarding lighting and marking design for wind energy facilities on federal renewable energy leases on the OCS.

84 FR 55861

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement issued a policy statement that clarifies DOI's role in regulating workplace safety and health conditions on renewable energy facilities on the outer continental shelf.

84 FR 55314

EPA announced the availability of draft human health and ecological risk assessments for the registration review of paraquat dichloride.

84 FR 53902

OSHA proposed revisions to standards for occupational exposure to beryllium and beryllium compounds in the construction and shipyards industries.