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85 FR 44068

FERC reviewed the reasonableness of costs incurred by other federal agencies in connection with their participation in the Commission's proceedings under the Federal Power Act Part I when those agencies seek to include such costs in the administrative charges licensees must pay to reimburse the United States for the cost of administering Part I. 

85 FR 43824

DOE accepted claims in FY 2021 from eligible uranium and thorium processing site licensees for reimbursement of certain costs of decontamination, decommissioning, reclamation, and other remedial action under Title X of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

85 FR 41584

EPA announced receipt of information submitted pursuant to a rule, order, or consent agreement issued under TSCA; the document identifies each chemical substance and/or mixture for which information has been received, identifies the uses or intended uses of such chemical substance and/or mixture, and describes the nature of the information received. 

85 FR 40113

FERC amended its regulations to preclude the issuance of authorizations to proceed with construction activities with respect to natural gas facilities authorized by order pursuant to §3 or §7 of the Natural Gas Act until either the time for filing a request for rehearing of such order has passed with no rehearing request being filed or the Commission has acted on the merits of any rehearing request. 

85 FR 39854

FERC seeks comment on its proposed index level used to determine annual changes to oil pipeline rate ceilings. 

85 FR 37942

EPA announced the availability of the final TSCA risk evaluation of methylene chloride; the evaluation determined that specific conditions of use of methylene chloride present an unreasonable risk of injury to health that EPA must move to address through risk management measures enumerated in TSCA and determined that other specific conditions of use do not present unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. 

85 FR 37932

FERC seeks comment on certain potential enhancements to the currently effective Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards, particularly on whether the standards adequately address cybersecurity risks pertaining to data security, detection of anomalies and events, and mitigation of cybersecurity events. 

85 FR 37810

EPA proposed to lower the dust-lead clearance levels, defined as the maximum amount of lead permitted in dust on a surface following completion of an abatement project, from 40 micrograms per square foot (μg/ft2) and 250 μg/ft2 to 10 μg/ft2 and 100 μg/ft2 for floors and window sills, respectively.

85 FR 37086

The Secretary of Energy responded to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's February 21, 2020, Recommendation 2020-1, Nuclear Safety Requirements, in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. 

85 FR 36321

FERC provided guidance regarding the Commission's response to the effects of the national emergency caused by COVID-19 on oil pipelines.