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86 FR 68686

United States v. Kirby Inland Marine, LP, No. 3:21-cv-00335 (S.D. Tex. Nov. 30, 2021). A settling OPA defendant that discharged oil from a barge during a collision in the Houston Ship Channel in Texas City, Texas, must pay a civil penalty of $15,334,768.83. 

86 FR 67086

United States v. Bridger Pipeline LLC, No. 1:21-cv-00122-SPW-KLD (D. Mont. Nov. 17, 2021). A settling OPA defendant that discharged oil from Bridger's Poplar Pipeline into the Yellowstone River near Glendive, Montana, in January 2015 must pay a civil penalty of $2,000,000.

86 FR 66953

EPA added natural gas processing facilities to the scope of the industrial sectors covered by the reporting requirements for the Toxics Release Inventory and the Pollution Prevention Act. 

86 FR 66250

The Delaware River Basin Commission proposed to amend its Comprehensive Plan and Water Code to prohibit the discharge of wastewater from high-volume hydraulic fracturing and related activities to waters or land within the Delaware River Basin. 

86 FR 64129

EPA denied a TSCA §21 petition to determine that the chemical mixtures within cosmetics present an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment and to issue a rule to eliminate the hazardous chemicals used in such mixtures. 

86 FR 61708

EPA revised regulations associated with persons who must report data to the Agency's mercury inventory established under TSCA, implementing an order issued by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on June 5, 2020.

86 FR 60812

EPA seeks comment on the withdrawal of two frequently asked questions concerning property management companies and their compliance responsibilities for the lead renovation, repair, and painting rule under TSCA.

86 FR 59684

EPA proposed to amend regulations to extend the compliance date for the processing and distribution in commerce of certain articles containing phenol, isopropylated phosphate (PIP), and announced its intention to commence new rulemaking efforts on PIP and four other persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals under TSCA. 

86 FR 59931

EPA denied a TSCA §21 petition that requested the Agency determine the chemical mixtures contained within cigarettes present an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment.

86 FR 56292

United States v. American Commercial Barge Line LLC, No. 2:21-cv-01818 (E.D. La. Oct. 4, 2021). A settling OPA defendant that discharged oil from its barge into the Mississippi River must effect the transfer of title and preservation of approximately 649 acres of forested woodland habitat in Plaquemines Parish, Louisana, and choose to either pay $2,071,212 to the federal trustees or acquire the equivalent of the natural resources allegedly injured as a result of the oil spill.