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88 FR 13329

NRC proposed to amend its environmental protection regulations by updating 2013 findings on the environmental effect of renewing the operating license of a nuclear power plant, redefining the number and scope of the environmental issues that must be addressed during the review of each application for license renewal.

88 FR 11939

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management proposed to offer one or more lease areas for commercial wind power development on the outer continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico.

88 FR 10468

EPA finalized a rule updating the incorporation by reference of several voluntary consensus standards in the Agency’s formaldehyde standards for composite wood products regulations under TSCA that have since been updated, superseded, or withdrawn by the issuing organizations.

88 FR 10320

EPA announced a 30-day public comment period associated with release of the document, Protocol for the Ethylbenzene IRIS Assessment.

88 FR 9874

DOE announced the availability of and seeks comment on draft guidance to inform its implementation of hydroelectric incentives in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.

88 FR 9876

DOE seeks input on how Department stakeholders may engage with the Foundation for Energy Security and Innovation (FESI) directly, and how the Department may engage with the FESI and the communities it will serve.

88 FR 9301

HUD posted CPD-21-136, Departmental Policy for Addressing Radon in the Environmental Review Process, and seeks comment from interested individuals, entities, and other parties on the proposed clarification that radon, as a radioactive substance, must be considered in the environmental review of proposed HUD-assisted projects.

88 FR 7760

United States v. Logan Square Aluminum Supply, Inc., No. 1:23-CV-00557 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 30, 2023). A settling TSCA defendant that violated regulations governing residential property renovations must perform injunctive relief and implement a comprehensive management system to help ensure compliance with EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule requirements.

88 FR 5920

United States v. Lynden, Inc., No. 2:23-cv-00101 (W.D. Wash. Jan. 24, 2023). Settling CERCLA, CWA, and OPA defendants that released hazardous substances and discharged oil from facilities along and near the Lower Duwamish River must pay $556,250 for natural resource damages; purchase restoration credits in a restoration project constructed along the Lower Duwamish River by a project developer to serve as a restoration credit bank; and pay their equitable share of assessment costs.

88 FR 5968

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management proposed reforms to its renewable energy program, including proposals for incremental funding of decommissioning accounts; more flexible geophysical and geotechnical survey submission requirements; streamlined approval of meteorological buoys; revised project verification procedures; reform of the Bureau’s renewable energy auction process; and greater clarity regarding safety requirements.