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76 FR 6158

United States v. Lyon, No. 1:07-CV-00491-LJO-MJS (E.D. Cal. Jan. 28, 2011). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for violations at the Modesto Groundwater Contamination Superfund site in Modesto, California, must pay $2,175,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the site.

76 FR 5609

United States v. United Illuminating Co., No. 11-cv-121 (D. Conn. Jan. 24, 2011). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for violations at the East Main Street Disposal Area site in New Haven County, Connecticut, must pay $464,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the site.

76 FR 10892

EPA announced the release of the draft report titled, Aquatic Ecosystems, Water Quality, and Global Change: Challenges of Conducting Multi-Stressor Vulnerability Assessments, for public comment.

76 FR 7845

EPA announced that it intends to approve revisions to Utah's public water system supervision program, except for Indian country.

76 FR 10028

EPA entered into a settlement agreement under CERCLA determining that the settling party is unable to pay U.S. response costs incurred at the 10000 Havana Street Superfund site in Henderson, Colorado.

76 FR 9772

EPA Region IX proposed to approve Arizona's municipal solid waste landfill permit program.

76 FR 9349

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $25,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Auclair Superfund site on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Reservation in Riverside County, California.

76 FR 22861

EPA proposed to approve negative declarations and requests for EPA withdrawal of its CAA §§111(d) and 129 plan approval for HMIWI, LMWC, SMWC, and OSWI units from Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, and South Carolina; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 18927

EPA approved revisions to Oklahoma's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 18921

EPA issued a site-specific treatment variance for selenium to U.S. Ecology Nevada in Beatty, Nevada, and withdrew one for Chemical Waste Management, Inc. in Kettleman Hills, California.