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76 FR 55668

EPA Region 2 determined that adequate facilities for the safe and sanitary removal and treatment of sewage from all vessels are reasonably available for the New York State areas of the Long Island Sound.

76 FR 57646

EPA withdrew the federal aquatic life water quality criteria applicable to certain waters of the Great Lakes system in Wisconsin in favor of state-designated criteria. 

76 FR 55060

EPA released a final report entitled, Aquatic Ecosystems, Water Quality, and Global Change: Challenges of Conducting Multi-Stressor Vulnerability Assessments.

76 FR 56982

EPA announced the establishment of a federal Underground Injection Control Class VI Program for carbon dioxide geologic sequestration wells. 

76 FR 55061

EPA entered into two proposed administrative settlement agreements under CERCLA that require the settling parties to provide long-term access for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the plume pump and treat infrastructure at the Bountiful/Woods Cross 5th South PCE Plume site in Davis County, Utah.

76 FR 56452

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement and order on consent under CERCLA that requires the settling parties to pay $50,000 in future U.S. response costs at the Reclamation Oil Superfund site in Detroit, Michigan, and to perform detailed removal action at the site at an estimated cost of $1,016,863.

76 FR 57659

EPA approved Oregon's UST program for petroleum and hazardous substances under RCRA. 

76 FR 54986

The NRC seeks public comment on proposed revisions to its enforcement policy. 

76 FR 58043

United States v. City of Newburgh, No. 08 Civ. 7378 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 12, 2011). Under a modified consent decree, additional settling CERCLA PRPs must pay $200,400 in U.S. response costs incurred at the Consolidated Iron and Metal Company Superfund site in Newburgh, New York.

76 FR 58043

United States v. Links at Columbia, LP, No. 2:11-cv-04232-NKL (W.D. Mo. Aug. 31, 2011). Settling CWA defendants that violated NPDES stormwater permit requirements at a residential development in Columbia, Missouri, must pay a $430,000 civil penalty.