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89 FR 37706

The Internal Revenue Service finalized regulations regarding federal income tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act for the purchase of qualifying new and previously-owned clean vehicles. 

89 FR 35769

NMFS proposed to modify the regulations for Marine Mammal Protection Act §104 permits, including scientific research, enhancement, photography, and public display permits and letters of confirmation.

89 FR 36982

FWS established a nonessential experimental population of the grizzly bear within the U.S. portion of the North Cascades Ecosystem (NCE) in the state of Washington under §10(j) of the ESA in order to support the reintroduction, recovery, and conservation of the species within the NCE. 

89 FR 30311

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the lake sturgeon as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA, finding that listing is not warranted at this time. 

Sheetz v. El Dorado, California, County of

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the Takings Clause does not distinguish between legislative and administrative land use permit conditions, in a lawsuit concerning a traffic impact fee as a condition of building a prefabricated home on a parcel of land. The landowner challenged the fee a...

DeVillier v. Texas

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that Texas property owners should be permitted to pursue claims under the Takings Clause through an inverse-condemnation cause of action available under Texas law. Over 120 property owners argued that a Texas highway elevation and expansion project, which buil...

89 FR 28218

The Mine Safety and Health Administration amended its existing standards to better protect miners against occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica, a significant health hazard, and to improve respiratory protection for miners from exposure to airborne contaminants.

89 FR 28707

NMFS announced a 90-day finding that a petition to list the whitespotted eagle ray as a threatened or endangered species and to designate critical habitat concurrent with the listing does not present substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted. 

89 FR 27689

FWS announced the updated planning policies for the National Wildlife Refuge System to incorporate landscape conservation plans and consideration of climate change and other anthropogenic forces in refuge management.