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A Conceptual Framework for an Acid Rain Control Program

The long national debate on the acid rain problem may be approaching a turning point. President Bush and his EPA Administrator, William Reilly, have stated their belief that the time has come to take action. The new Senate majority leader, George Mitchell of Maine, is one of the leading advocates in Congress for acid rain control. The ten-year National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) is nearing its conclusion. These developments may shift the focus of the national debate from whether there should be a new acid rain control program to how that program should be designed.

Biotechnology and the Environment: The Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms Used in the Environment

Keynote Address

Laying the Groundwork: The Techniques and Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology

Federal, State, and Local Regulation of Biotechnology

Current Models of Risk Assessment Used in Biotechnology Regulation

USDA's Regulation of Genetically Engineered Plants, Microorganisms, and Veterinary Biological Products

Current Litigation Issues Associated With Biotechnology

Panel Discussion: Enforcement of Regulations

International Aspects of Biotechnology and Its Use in the Environment

Environmental Crimes and the Sentencing Guidelines: The Time Has Come . . . and It Is Hard Time

Editors' Summary: Criminal prosecution is becoming an increasingly important component of the federal government's environmental enforcement strategy. The recent issuance of the federal Sentencing Guidelines has dramatically increased the role of criminal enforcement in environmental law. The guidelines require judges to impose specific sentences within certain ranges for various categories of environment crimes. Defendants are unlikely to escape with probation, as was often the case in preguideline prosecutions. This Article analyzes the impacts and mechanics of the guidelines.

EPA's Environmental Enforcement in the 1990s

Environmental enforcement officials in the United States stand on the frontiers of law and science. As the federal agency that stands guard over the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must draw the line of enforcement at the boundaries of current knowledge about the ecosystem and use its enforcement authority to encourage compliance and bring violators to book.

Liability of Corporate Officers Under CERCLA: An Ounce of Prevention May Be the Cure

Editors' Summary: Estimates of hazardous waste cleanup costs now reach $500 billion nationwide, or $2,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. And historically, estimates of cleanup costs have nearly always gone up. As the magnitude of the problem has become clearer, governments and private plaintiffs have searched for more deep pockets to pay for cleanups.

General Motors Corp. v. United States: A Boon to Clean Air Act Enforcement

Editors' Summary: In June, the Supreme Court handed the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Act enforcement program a significant victory. The Court held that EPA is not required to act on a proposed SIP revision within four months and is not barred from enforcing the existing SIP if it does not act on the proposal within a reasonable time. This Comment describes the "four-month rule" for revisions and the enforcement bar that created the split in the circuits, and it analyzes the opinion.

Death Valley: Congress Debates Strip Mining in National Parks

Resource extraction on a large scale has recently begun in some national parks, dwarfing the modest diggings and pickings of old-time gold bugs and causing consternation in Congress. As a result, a rash of measures have been introduced which would curtail, regulate or ban mining operations within the boundaries of the National Parks.

Council on Environmental Quality, Fifth Annual Report, The National Environmental Policy Act

"The public interest requires doing today those things that men of intelligence and good will would wish, five or ten years hence, had been done," declared Edmund Burke nearly two centuries ago. At the turn of this decade, in pursuit of the public interest, Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act1—a comprehensive national policy for restoring, protecting, and enhancing the quality of our environment.