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76 FR 6383

NOAA-Fisheries announced a 12-month finding on a petition to delist coho salmon south of the San Francisco Bay under the ESA; the agency found that delisting is not warranted and recommended extension of the area covered.

76 FR 8480

The U.S. Forest Service seeks public comment on a proposed new rule to guide land and resource management planning for all units of the National Forest System.

76 FR 9700

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Alabama's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning licensing; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 6587

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Pennsylvania's regulatory program under SMCRA that would remove a required amendment on land reclamation.

75 FR 81794

FWS determined endangered status for seven Brazilian bird species and subspecies under the ESA.

75 FR 78430

FWS designated approximately 411 miles of rivers and streams in Colorado as critical habitat for the Preble's meadow jumping mouse.

75 FR 77962

FWS designated approximately 9,331 acres in the Santa Ana River and the Big Tujunga Creek in southern California as critical habitat for the Santa Ana sucker.

75 FR 76086

FWS designated approximately 187,157 square miles in Alaska and adjacent territorial and U.S. waters as critical habitat for the polar bear under the ESA.

75 FR 75913

FWS designated approximately 13 miles of stream in the Turkey Creek Watershed in Jefferson County, Alabama, as critical habitat for the vermilion darter under the ESA.

75 FR 81122

OSM approved an amendment to Texas' regulatory program under SMCRA regarding annual permit fees.