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This Permit Reform Already Works. Why Aren't More Mining Projects Using It?

In January 2021, the mining sector was made eligible for coverage under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41) program, a pilot project designed to expedite federal permitting. Although mining projects have been eligible for over two years, only recently was the first one posted on the Permitting Dashboard.

An Unlikely Climate Hero? Experimental Populations Outside Their Historical Range

Climate change is ravaging the flora and fauna of the United States and contributes to ecosystem damage, including the conversion of Alaskan forests to savannah grasslands, rising sea levels that have destroyed the Key deer’s habitat, and warming regional temperatures that have stifled the growth of crops in the Northeast. What if there were a way for species to thrive away from the sinking coasts and changing landscapes that they have historically inhabited?

Crossed Wires and Split Circuits: Transmission Rights of First Refusal

As population growth and increased electrification rapidly raise demand for power, U.S. electric grids are struggling to keep pace, and the need for more transmission capacity is pressing. The U.S. Congress has delegated its interstate commerce authority to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to regulate interstate transmission rates. Meanwhile, states regulate intrastate transmission rates. What is perhaps surprising, though, is the fact that states generally have authority over the siting and construction of interstate transmission lines.

Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2022

In China, the year 2022 witnessed the further evolution of environmental protection and development of legislation and rulemaking. This mainly included adoption of the Black Soil Protection Law and the Yellow River Protection Law, as well as revision of the Animal Husbandry Law and the Wildlife Protection Law. This Comment summarizes some of the year’s major developments.