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76 FR 5103

OSM proposed to approve revisions to Maryland's regulatory program concerning coal combustion byproducts under SMCRA.

76 FR 4266

OSM proposed to approve revisions to New Mexico's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning ownership and control rules.

76 FR 5110

EPA proposed to grant a petition submitted by Gulf West Landfill to delist the leachate generated at its facility in Anahuac, Texas, from the lists of hazardous wastes.

76 FR 5107

EPA is providing notice of, and soliciting written comments 
on, a tentative determination to deny an administrative petition 
submitted by the Sierra Club under RCRA section 7004. EPA issued an 
earlier notice denying this same petition in November 2008. However, 
the Agency at that time failed to comply with notice and comment 
provisions in its regulations. Accordingly, we are now giving the 
public the opportunity to provide comments on this tentative decision. 
This petition requests EPA to reconsider the final rule, ``Regulation 
of Oil-Bearing Hazardous Secondary Materials from the Petroleum Refining Industry 
Processed in a Gasification System to Produce Synthesis Gas,'' 
published in the Federal Register on January 2, 2008. The EPA 
considered the petition, along with information contained in the 
rulemaking docket, and has tentatively decided to deny the petition. In 
a letter from EPA Assistant Administrator Mathy Stanislaus dated 
January 21, 2011, EPA provided the petitioner with its tentative 
decision to deny the petition for reconsideration. The letter explains 
EPA's reasons for tentatively deciding to deny the petition. After 
evaluating all public comments, as well as any other information in the 
rulemaking record, EPA will publish either a final denial of the 
petition or issue a proposed rule to amend or repeal the regulation.

76 FR 5107

EPA proposed to deny a petition submitted by the Sierra Club to reconsider its final rule on oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials.

76 FR 2618

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Minnesota's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 303

EPA Region 10 proposed to approve a modification to Alaska's municipal solid waste landfill program concerning research, development, and demonstration permit requirements; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 214

DOE proposed to amend its existing regulations governing compliance with NEPA, particularly its categorical exclusions.

76 FR 2859

SIP Proposal: Virginia (addition of the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS and related updates; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 2070

SIP Proposal: Virginia (GHG permitting provisions)