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76 FR 3821

This notice announces EPA's establishment of the Chesapeake 
Bay (Bay) TMDL on December 29, 2010 for nitrogen, phosphorus and 
sediment for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. EPA provided 
a 45-day public review of the Draft Bay TMDL which was held from 
September 24 through November 8 of 2010. Based on comments and 
information EPA received from the public and affected jurisdictions 
during the public review period, EPA has revised the draft TMDL as 
appropriate and established the Bay TMDL for nitrogen, phosphorus and 
sediment for each of the 92 segments in the tidal portion of the 
Chesapeake Bay watershed pursuant to Sections 117(g) and 303(d) of the 
Clean Water Act (CWA). The TMDL provides pollutant loads for nitrogen, 
phosphorus and sediment which can enter a waterbody without causing a 
violation in the water quality standards. The TMDL allocates that 
pollutant load between point and nonpoint sources. The Bay TMDL 
contains segment specific point (wasteload) and non-point (load) 
allocations for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment that when met will 
assure the attainment and maintenance of all applicable water quality 
standards for each of the 92 segments. The Bay TMDL is a key part of 
the clean water commitment in the Federal Strategy developed as part of 
Executive Order 13508 on Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration. EPA 
has worked closely with its federal partners, the six watershed states, 
the District of Columbia, local governments and other parties to put in 
place a comprehensive, transparent and accountable set of commitments 
and actions that together ensure that pollution controls needed to 
restore Bay water quality are implemented by no later than 2025 
(Executive Order, 13508).

76 FR 2112

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay U.S. response costs incurred at the Peach Orchard Road Groundwater Plume site in Augusta, Georgia.

76 FR 29156

EPA updated outer continental shelf air regulations for California.

76 FR 5272

SIP Approval: Alabama (removal of PSD program limitation)

75 FR 75060

EPA issued a final rule requiring GHG monitoring and reporting from facilities that conduct geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide.

76 FR 14351

EPA proposed to withdraw certain aquatic life water quality criteria for waters of the Great Lakes in Wisconsin.

76 FR 11713

EPA proposed revisions to the unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation for public water systems.

75 FR 74774

EPA issued a final rule requiring monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from additional sources of fluorinated GHGs.