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76 FR 73886

EPA amended specific provisions in the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule and extended the 2012 reporting deadline by six months.

76 FR 72444

United States v. California, No. 4-09-CV-00437-PJH (N.D. Cal. Nov. 10, 2011). A settling defendant that violated a 1938 permit that authorized construction of Highway 1 across a portion of the Presidio of San Francisco must pay $5.5 million toward the remediation of Mountain Lake sediment contamination, must pay $4 million for repair or replacement of the overflow pipeline that drains Mountain Lake, must pay $500,000 toward certain legal costs, and must reconfigure Highway 1 drainage facilities to avoid further discharges of highway run-off to Mountain Lake. 

76 FR 72973

United States v. Town of Fort Gay, No. 3:09-0855 (S.D.W. Va. Nov. 21, 2011). A settling CWA and SDWA defendant responsible for violations at its wastewater collection and drinking water treatment facilities must comply with certain permit requirements, must prepare and submit certain reports, must make capital improvements, and must improve staffing at the facilities.