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78 FR 23563

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA with 125 parties and 19 federal agencies concerning past response costs incurred at the LWD, Inc., Superfund site in Calvert City, Kentucky.

78 FR 22798

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration revised the maximum civil penalty for a knowing violation of the hazardous material transportation law to $75,000, with a $175,000 maximum for death, serious illness, severe injury, or substantial destruction of property, and a minimum civil penalty of $450 for training violations.

78 FR 22542

EPA entered into an administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay certain U.S. response costs incurred at the L.E. Carpenter/Dayco Superfund site in Wharton Township, New Jersey.

78 FR 22295

In re Motors Liquidation Corp., No. 90-50026 (REG) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Apr. 8, 2013). A settling CERCLA defendant responsible for natural resource damages and assessment costs at the Onondaga Lake NPL Superfund site in Onondaga County, New York, must provide the United States and the trustees with an allowed general unsecured claim of $5,500,000.

78 FR 21418

United States v. Arkema, Inc., No. 13-cv-00935 (S.D. Tex. Apr. 3, 2013). A settling CERCLA defendant responsible for natural resource damages at an agricultural chemical facility in Bryan, Texas, must pay $1.4 million in damages and assessment costs to trustees for restoration purposes.

78 FR 21418

United States v. Alcoa Inc., No. 7:13-cv-00337-NAM-TWD (N.D.N.Y. Mar. 27, 2013). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for natural resource damages at sites near Massena, New York, must pay assessment, natural resource restoration, and Tribal cultural restoration costs, must purchase and transfer real property to a state wildlife management area, and must perform certain other restoration projects, all estimated to cost $19.4 million.

78 FR 20642

EPA entered into a proposed agreement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to pay $20,000 in Agency oversight costs, to relocate an existing monitoring well, and to construct a warehouse and adjacent parking area at the San Fernando Valley Area 2 Superfund site in Burbank, California.

78 FR 20640

EPA announced that it will allow for the recycling of plastic separated from shredder residue under certain conditions.

78 FR 20073

EPA Region 10 proposed to authorize revisions to Oregon's municipal solid waste landfill permit program under the SDWA.

78 FR 20035

EPA Region 10 authorized revisions to Oregon's municipal solid waste landfill permit program under the SDWA.