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American Public Gas Ass'n v. United States Department of Energy

The D.C. Circuit vacated DOE's 2020 rule establishing more stringent energy efficiency standards for commercial packaged boilers, and its 2022 supplemental document responding to the court's previous remand order that it address comments raised during the rulemaking process. Industry groups argued D...

Charleston, City of v. Brabham Oil Co.

A district court granted the city of Charleston's motion to remand to state court its lawsuit against fossil fuel companies for allegedly contributing to climate change by producing and selling fossil fuel products while deceiving consumers and the public about the dangers associated with them. The ...

Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Gassman

A district court adopted a magistrate judge's findings and recommendations to grant in part and deny in part cross-motions for summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning the Forest Service's approval of a vegetation management project in the Kootenai National Forest. An environmental group had argued,...

Energy Policy Advocates v. United States Department of State

A district court granted summary judgment for the State Department in a lawsuit concerning documents related to the agency's handling of the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. A nonprofit group filed a FOIA request, seeking three documents concerning the "Circular 175" process for the agreement. The Depa...

MRP Properties Co., LLC v. United States

The Sixth Circuit reversed a district court ruling in a lawsuit concerning 12 oil refinery sites that operated during World War II. The current owner of the refineries sought contribution from the U.S. government for environmental contamination discovered at the sites, arguing the government's produ...

California v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review EPA's promulgation of a rule that regulates the emission of greenhouse gases from aircraft engines under CAA §231 by aligning domestic standards with those recently promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Twelve states, the Di...

Regulating EV Batteries’ Carbon Footprint: EU Climate Ambition or Green Protectionism?

The European Union’s (EU’s) recent proposal for a new regulation on EV batteries is a groundbreaking effort, the first to focus on the entire value chain to improve product sustainability and safety throughout the life cycle. Battery producers inside and outside of the EU will have to meet a series of requirements, starting from carbon footprint declaration and related labeling to complying with life-cycle carbon footprint thresholds, for having their products placed in the EU market.

Judicial Remedies for Climate Disruption

This Article, adapted from the Climate Science and Law for Judges Curriculum, examines the status and viability of judicial remedies in climate change litigation. It focuses on climate cases that are seeking science-based remedies specifically related to climate mitigation (actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or draw down atmospheric carbon) and climate-change adaptation (actions to reduce the negative impacts of climate disruption on human and natural communities).