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Puntenney v. Iowa Utilities Board

A state high court affirmed a lower court denial of landowners' and an environmental group's petition to review a decision by the Iowa Utilities Board authorizing a company to use eminent domain to build a crude oil pipeline. The landowners and group argued the pipeline did not serve the "public con...

Mathis v. Iowa Utilities Board

The Iowa Supreme Court affirmed a lower court ruling that upheld the Iowa Utilities Board's approval of a 170-turbine wind project in northwest Iowa. Landowners argued that the project was located at a "single site" and thus should have required a certificate of public convenience, use, and necessit...

California v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court granted California's and New Mexico's motion for summary judgment in an APA challenge to DOI's repeal of the Valuation Rule and its restoration of prior regulations governing payment of royalties on oil, gas, and coal extracted pursuant to leases of federal and Indian lands. The cou...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Wheeler

A district court dismissed for lack of standing an environmental group's challenge to an EPA directive that prohibited scientists in receipt of certain EPA grants from serving on the Agency's federal advisory committees. The group argued the directive was arbitrary and capricious because the Agency ...

Union of Concerned Scientists v. Wheeler

A district court dismissed a nonprofit group's challenge to an EPA directive that prohibited scientists in receipt of certain EPA grants from serving on the Agency's federal advisory committees. The group argued that the directive violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) requirement that c...

Friends of the Capital Crescent Trail v. Federal Transit Administration

A district court granted federal and state transportation agencies' motion to dismiss a nonprofit group's challenge to a light rail project, known as the Purple Line project, that would connect suburban Maryland commuters to existing transit stations that connect to Washington, D.C. The group argued...

Tugaw Ranches, LLC v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court denied BLM's and the U.S. Forest Service's motion to dismiss a challenge by a cattle rancher for failing to submit land use plan amendments to protect the greater sage-grouse to Congress for review. The rancher, which operates on lands affected by the agencies' amendments, argued th...

Protecting Air for Waterville v. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

The Sixth Circuit dismissed environmental groups' petition to review air pollution control permits issued by Ohio's Environmental Protection Agency for two natural gas compressor stations along a natural gas pipeline that runs from Ohio to Michigan. The groups argued that the permits were invalid be...

Energy Transfer Equity, LP v. Greenpeace International

A district court dismissed a lawsuit alleging that protesters disrupted the construction of and damaged a crude oil pipeline, known as the Dakota Access pipeline, that runs from North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline company argued that environmental groups violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corr...

Public Citizen, Inc. v. Trump

A district court denied public interest groups' motion for partial summary judgment in challenging an Executive Order that required federal agencies to repeal two existing rules for each new rule promulgated. The groups argued they established associational standing based on injuries that two of the...