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Annual Review of Chinese Environmental Law Developments: 2019

The Communist Party of China (CPC) reaffirmed its emphasis on environmental protection in a decision adopted by the fourth plenum of its 19th Central Committee, held in December 2019.1 Part 10 of this decision specifically addresses environmental protection under the topic of Developing a System of Rules for Ecological Civilization, and consists of an introductory paragraph and four additional paragraphs calling for (1) the most stringent legal rules for environmental protection, (2) rules on the efficient use of resources, (3) rules on ecological protection and restoration, and (4) rules o

Ethics and the Human Enterprise in the Anthropocene Age

In the first decades of the 21st century, those working to assure that earth continues to be a viable home for humanity as well as for all other life have been in a crisis regarding their purpose and direction. This is a departure from the past century and a half, when the giants of conservation and environmental protection—personalities such as John Muir, Rachel Carson, and David Brower— were certain of their cause and the actions needed to sustain it.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit granted a petition to reconsider EPA's Final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) Rule that exempted coal- and oil-burning power plant boilers' startup periods from numerical limits on hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Environmental groups challenged the Agency's denial of their p...

Minnesota Sands, LLC v. Winona, Minnesota, County of

Minnesota's high court upheld an appellate court ruling in favor of a county's zoning ordinance that bans all industrial-mineral mining, including silica-sand mining. A silica-sand mining company argued the ordinance violated the dormant Commerce Clause by discriminating against its business. The hi...

NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. v. Walker

A district court held that a Texas right-of-first-refusal law giving existing electricity transmission providers in the state a preference to build and operate new lines is constitutional. An energy company argued the Texas law barred it from obtaining a certificate of convenience and necessity for ...

Drewes Farms Partnership v. Toledo, City of

A district court held invalid an amendment to the city of Toledo's charter that gave legal rights to Lake Erie. A local family farm argued the amendment was unconstitutionally vague and thus that it should be invalidated. The court found that the environmental rights of the lake and its watershed to...

United States v. California

A district court denied summary judgment to the U.S. government in a lawsuit concerning California's cap-and-trade agreement with Quebec. The government argued the agreement violated the Treaty Clause of the U.S. Constitution because it was binding and "confederat[ed] the laws of the two jurisdictio...