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Bullock v. United States Bureau of Land Management

A district court invalidated three resource management plans that were approved by BLM's acting director because he was not authorized to approve them. The governor of Montana and the state Department of Natural Resources and Conservation argued that the plans should be set aside because the court h...

California v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit overturned a ruling denying EPA's motion to modify an injunction requiring it to promulgate a federal landfill emissions plan by November 6, 2019. The appellate court held that the district court abused its discretion in denying the Agency's request for relief because EPA promulgat...

Federal Trade Commission v. Peabody Energy Corp.

A district court granted the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) motion to preliminarily enjoin a proposed joint venture between the United States' two largest coal producers. The Commission challenged the joint venture on antitrust grounds, arguing that it violated §7 of the Clayton Act and §5 of ...

Sierra Club v. Trump

The Ninth Circuit affirmed, 2-1, a ruling in a lawsuit concerning the Trump Administration's use of military construction funds to build portions of a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. States and an environmental group challenged the Administration's authority to divert funds appropriated fo...

North American Butterfly Ass'n v. Wolf

The D.C. Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a lower court's dismissal of a conservation group's suit to block the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from constructing a border wall near the National Butterfly Center in southern Texas. The group argued that the Department's presence on ...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Zinke

A district court dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction a lawsuit concerning an advisory committee on hunting chartered by DOI under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Nonprofit groups argued that the Department failed to properly charter the committee, failed to balance its membership t...

Bullock v. United States Bureau of Land Management

A district court held that William Perry Pendley was unlawfully serving as the acting director of BLM. The governor of Montana and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation argued that Pendley was unlawfully serving as the acting director in violation of the Appointments Clause, t...

Growing ESG Risks: The Rise of Litigation

As companies increase their environmental, social, governance (ESG) reporting and statements in response to market and shareholder demands, plaintiffs have pursued with growing success legal challenges to company claims and disclosures related to ESG performance. Similarly, inventive theories are being put forward to directly attack companies for alleged ESG-related performance and operational deficiencies. In both arenas, there has been a recent growth in efforts to hold companies accountable for supplier misconduct.

Time to Rethink the Supreme Court’s Interstate Waters Jurisprudence

This October Term, the U.S. Supreme Court will be asked to weigh in on three and possibly all four of its pending original jurisdiction controversies over interstate waters. The Court’s past judgments and opinions have established little in the way of “federal common law” governing the states’ interests in shared waters. But they have established this much: these interests vest in states-as-states directly under the U.S. Constitution, even if the Court itself is reluctant to specify the interests with much precision or to enjoin violations thereof.