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AquAlliance v. United States Bureau of Reclamation

A district court granted summary judgment for the Bureau of Reclamation in a FOIA lawsuit brought by a company seeking summaries of certain water transfers. The company requested a summary of transfers taking place in 2020 under the Bureau's and San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority's Long-Te...

The Role of Program Evaluation in China's Environmental Policy

Evaluating government programs is a relatively new idea for China’s government and policymakers. Many policies and programs continue to be evaluated based on procedural standards rather than on actual performance. This Article investigates how program evaluations and the knowledge they produce find their way into China’s environmental policy.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation v. National Marine Fisheries Service

A district court granted in part and denied in part NMFS' motion to dismiss a lawsuit seeking an expansion of the Service's 2008 Vessel Speed Rule to protect North Atlantic right whales. Conservation groups argued NMFS had unreasonably delayed its response to the groups' 2012 and 2020 petitions to e...

Ministerio Roca Solida, Inc. v. United States

The Court of Federal Claims entered judgment for the U.S. government in a takings challenge against FWS for rerouting spring waters that had previously flowed through church property into a restoration channel in an effort to save a native fish species. The church argued the berm FWS installed upstr...

City of Norco v. Mugar: Reinforcing the Legal Rights of Cities in California and Beyond

This Comment asserts that hiring outside counsel in complex, specialized matters and recovering enforcement costs is crucial for local jurisdictions across the nation, especially in the code enforcement and nuisance abatement context, and discusses the California Court of Appeal's decision in City of Norco v. Mugar as a signal to cities and counties that access to outside legal counsel in the realm of code enforcement is squarely permissible and clearly necessary under California law.

Green Amendments: Vehicles for Environmental Justice

Despite existing laws, communities across the United States are exposed to dangerous environmental conditions that can have devastating effects on public health. One emerging mechanism to address these issues are “green amendments,” self-executing provisions added to a state constitution that recognize and protect the rights of all people, including future generations, to pure water, clean air, and a stable climate.

Humane Society International v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service

A district court granted researchers' and primate importers' motions to intervene in a lawsuit brought by a nonprofit group seeking FOIA disclosure of FWS records regarding the import and export of wildlife. The group challenged the Service's redaction of certain information pursuant to a FOIA exemp...