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88 FR 50149

EPA Region 8 entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement concerning the Central City/Clear Creek Superfund site in Clear Creek County, Colorado.

88 FR 49496

United States v. Taylor Farms New England, Inc., No. 1:23-cv-00311 (D.R.I. July 26, 2023). A settling CAA and EPCRA defendant that violated statutory and regulatory provisions governing the prevention and notice of accidental releases of extremely hazardous substances at its food processing facility in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, must perform injunctive relief and pay a $650,000 civil penalty.

88 FR 49495

United States v. HP Inc., No. 3:23-cv-1383 (D.P.R. July 26, 2023). Settling CERCLA defendants that released hazardous substances at Operable Unit 1 of the San German Groundwater site in San German, Puerto Rico, must design and implement the remedy selected by EPA for the unit and pay the United States’ future costs for overseeing the response work.

88 FR 48598

The federal agencies issued their semiannual regulatory agendas to update the public about regulations currently under development, reviews of existing regulations with small business impacts, and regulations completed or canceled since the last agenda. EPA’s agenda can be found at 88 FR 48598.

88 FR 47125

NMFS seeks stakeholder input to inform the operationalization of the national Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy in the Southeast region.

88 FR 47003

The Office of Natural Resources Revenue republished and revised certain subparts of its regulations to implement an order and judgment from the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming that vacated the federal and Indian coal valuation provisions of the 2016 Consolidated Federal Oil & Gas and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation Reform rule.

88 FR 46185

United States v. Boise Cascade Corp., No. 97-cv-1704 (TJM) (N.D.N.Y. July 12, 2023). A proposed second amendment to a consent decree includes an ability-to-pay-cash-out settlement with one of the settling CERCLA defendants in which it will pay $150,000 and be removed as a settling defendant responsible for future work and costs at the Sealand Superfund Restoration site in Lisbon, New York.

88 FR 46155

EPA announced a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA and RCRA concerning the Delphi 1 Anderson Site in Anderson, Indiana.

88 FR 45417

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on draft guidance to expand the availability of virucidal claims for antimicrobial pesticides and provide framework for registrants who seek to make such claims.

88 FR 45900

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement under the CWA and the APA in Gunpowder Riverkeeper v. Regan, No. 1:20-cv-02063 (D.D.C.), concerning allegations that the Agency's approval of Maryland’s submission of TMDLs of PCBs for the Gunpowder and Bird Rivers was arbitrary and capricious in violation of the APA.