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76 FR 6564

EPA approved revisions to Florida's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 6564

EPA approved revisions to Florida's hazardous waste management program.

75 FR 80220

EPA proposed emission standards for wood furniture manufacturing operations and for the shipbuilding and ship repair source categories.

75 FR 80220

EPA proposed emission standards for wood furniture manufacturing operations and for the shipbuilding and ship repair source categories.

75 FR 78952

EPA proposed to approve Virginia's negative declaration and request for EPA withdrawal of its CAA §§111(d) and 129 plan approval for HMIWI units; see above for direct final rule.

75 FR 77799

EPA proposed to issue a 90-day stay of the requirement for chemical manufacturing area sources to comply with the NESHAPs permit program; see above for direct final rule

75 FR 75937

EPA seeks public comment on its decision to allow emergency stationary engines to operate for up to 15 hours per year.

75 FR 81794

FWS determined endangered status for seven Brazilian bird species and subspecies under the ESA.

75 FR 78430

FWS designated approximately 411 miles of rivers and streams in Colorado as critical habitat for the Preble's meadow jumping mouse.

75 FR 77962

FWS designated approximately 9,331 acres in the Santa Ana River and the Big Tujunga Creek in southern California as critical habitat for the Santa Ana sucker.