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76 FR 33364

United States v. Union Pacific Corp., No. 8:11-cv-00195 (D. Neb. June 1, 2011). Settling CERCLA defendants responsible for violations at the Omaha Lead Superfund site in Omaha, Nebraska, must pay $21,350,000 in U.S. response costs incurred at the site, must spend $3.15 million in community health education on the health risks of lead exposure, and must pay $100,000 to the DOI and $400,000 to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.

76 FR 31592

NOAA-Fisheries announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list goliath grouper as threatened or endangered under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.

76 FR 38389

EPA entered into a settlement under CERCLA §122(h)(1) for reimbursement of past response costs incurred at the Caraleigh Phosphate and Fertilizer Works Superfund site in Raleigh, North Carolina.

76 FR 34229

EPA seeks public comment on a proposed purchaser agreement amendment under CERCLA that requires Blue Marlin Associates to conduct a vapor intrusion study at the Fischer & Porter Superfund site in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and to take appropriate remedial measures, if necessary.

76 FR 32202

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA that requires the settling party to sell the Agawam Sportsman's Club Superfund site in Massachusetts and to distribute 90% of the proceeds to the United States for past response costs incurred at the site and 10% to the city of Agawam for property tax arrears.

76 FR 38504

FWS announced its 12-month finding on a petition to list a distinct population segment of the fisher in its U.S. Northern Rocky Range; the agency determined that listing is not warranted at this time.

76 FR 38095

FWS announced its 90-day finding on a petition to list the eastern small-footed bat and the northern long-eared bat as endangered or threatened under the ESA; the agency determined that listing may be warranted and has begun a status review of the two species.

76 FR 37706

FWS announced its 12-month finding on a petition to list the Ozark chinquapin, a tree, as threatened or endangered under the ESA; the agency determined that listing is not warranted at this time.

76 FR 36053

FWS announced a revised 90-day finding on a petition to reclassify the Utah prairie dog from threatened to endangered under the ESA; the agency determined that reclassification is not warranted.

76 FR 36049

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Utah population of the Gila monster as an endangered or a threatened distinct population segment and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.