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76 FR 62446

In re DPH Holdings Corp., No. 05-44481 (RDD) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Oct. 4, 2011). A settling CERCLA and RCRA defendant responsible for violations at the Tremont City Landfill Superfund site in Tremont City, Ohio, and the South Dayton Dump & Landfill Superfund site in Moraine, Ohio, must provide the United States with an allowed claim of $857,582.52, subject to the approval of a tax refund action.

76 FR 62504

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the black-footed albatross as endangered or threatened under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.

76 FR 62303

EPA gave final authorization to California's hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

76 FR 62260

FWS announced a partial 90-day finding on a petition to list 404 species in the southeastern United States as threatened or endangered and to designate critical habitat under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted for 11 of the species.

76 FR 62214

FWS announced a 12-month finding on a petition to list the Mohave ground squirrel as endangered or threatened under the ESA; the agency found that listing is not warranted.