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89 FR 57206

FWS listed the Pearl River map turtle as a threatened species with §4(d) protective regulations under the ESA; due to similarity of appearance, the Service also listed the Alabama map turtle, Barbour’s map turtle, Escambia map turtle, and Pascagoula map turtle as threatened species with §4(d) protective regulations under the Act. 

89 FR 56929

FEMA issued a final rule to implement the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and update the agency's eight-step decisionmaking process for floodplain reviews. 

89 FR 56865

NMFS announced the adoption of an ESA recovery plan for the threatened oceanic whitetip shark and the initiation of a five-year review for the species. 

89 FR 56253

FWS proposed to designate approximately 1.5 acres of spring pool and 11.4 miles of spring run in Tennessee as critical habitat for the Barrens topminnow under the ESA. 

89 FR 55059

The National Park Service amended its regulations for sport hunting and trapping in national preserves in Alaska to prohibit bear baiting and clarify trapping regulations.

89 FR 55303

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) adopted a categorical exclusion established by DOE that covers a category of actions PHMSA proposes to take.

89 FR 55091

FWS determined threatened species status for the Mount Rainier white-tailed ptarmigan under the ESA, and finalized a §4(d) rule that provides necessary and advisable measures for conservation of the species.

89 FR 54727

NRC proposed to amend its regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions that individually or cumulatively do not have a significant effect on the human environment by eliminating the preparation of EAs for such NRC actions.

89 FR 54850

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) adopted 18 categorical exclusions established by DOE pursuant to NEPA to use for proposed DHS actions.

89 FR 54758

FWS proposed to remove the white sedge from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants under the ESA.