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77 FR 15367

EPA announced that it intends to approve revisions to Minnesota's public water system supervision program, except for Indian country.

77 FR 14425

United States v. Stricklin, No. 11-CV-158-J (D. Wyo. Feb. 24, 2012). A settling SDWA defendant responsible for violations at two trailer courts in Alcova, Wyoming, must pay a $28,000 civil penalty and must comply with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations in the future or pay additional stipulated penalties.

77 FR 13633

United States v. Johnson, No. 99-12465-EFH (D. Mass. Mar. 2, 2012). Settling CWA defendants responsible for violations at their cranberry bogs in Carver, Massachusetts, must pay a civil penalty and must implement restoration and mitigation measures to create and restore wetlands at various locations.

77 FR 12580

EPA announced that it intends to approve revisions to Colorado's public water system supervision primacy program, except for Indian country. 

77 FR 12581

EPA announced that it intends to approve revisions to Montana's public water system supervision primacy program, except for Indian country.

77 FR 12582

EPA announced that it intends to approve revisions to North Dakota's public water system supervision primacy program, except for Indian country.

77 FR 12286

EPA issued its final 2012 NPDES general permit for stormwater discharges from large and small construction activities for areas where the Agency is the permitting authority.