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77 FR 34066

United States v. Wendt, No. CV-12-2225 (LB) (N.D. Cal. May 30, 2012). Settling CWA defendants that discharged pollutants into waters of the United States without a permit must pay a civil penalty, must restore the impacted areas, and must perform mitigation.

77 FR 34064

United States v. Municipality of Arecibo, No. 3:12-CV-01419 (D.P.R. June 4, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for multiple permit violations that resulted in the discharge of stormwater into waters of the United States and the discharge of untreated sewage onto public and private property must pay a $305,643 civil penalty and must conduct an extensive injunctive relief plan estimated to cost approximately $56 million.

77 FR 33769

United States v. City of Atlanta, No. 1:98-CV-1956-TWT (N.D. Ga. May 31, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for violations at its wastewater treatment facilities and collection and transmission system was granted a 13-year extension to complete the remaining work on the facilities.

77 FR 33456

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Washington's public water supply supervision program.

77 FR 34315

EPA announced the availability of new information and data on proposed standards for cooling water intake structures at all existing power-generating facilities.

77 FR 30473

EPA revised its Phase I stormwater regulations to specify that stormwater discharges from logging roads are not associated with industrial activity.

77 FR 29758

EPA modified the testing procedures approved for analysis and sampling under the CWA as originally proposed on September 23, 2010.