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77 FR 46298

EPA promulgated final rulemaking that disapproves certain provisions of Florida's water quality standards for phosphorus in the Everglades.

77 FR 44672

United States v. Shenango Inc., No. 2:12-cv-01029-GLL (W.D. Pa. July 24, 2012). A settling CAA and CWA defendant responsible for violations of opacity limits and effluent limitations at its coke facility near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, must pay a $1,750,000 civil penalty, must implement a program of ceramic welding and adhere to various protocols at the coke facility, and must install certain interim measures and biological treatment at its wastewater treatment plant.

77 FR 44494

EPA eliminated the requirement that an owner or operator of a concentrated animal feeding operation apply for an NPDES permit before proposing to discharge.

77 FR 44238

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Alabama's public water system supervision program.

77 FR 43860

United States v. Fairhaven Shipyard Companies, Inc., No. 12-CV-11191-MBB (D. Mass. July 2, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for violations of discharge and pollution prevention regulations at its two facilities in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, must pay a $175,000 civil penalty and must undertake measures to achieve compliance with those regulations.

77 FR 43860

United States v. City of Chattanooga, No. 1:12-cv-00245 (E.D. Tenn. July 17, 2012). A settling CWA defendant that discharged a pollutant into waters of the United States without a permit must pay a $476,400 civil penalty to the United States and Tennessee, must perform a stream restoration supplemental environmental project at a cost of $800,000, and must perform comprehensive injunctive measures on its sewer collection system.