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77 FR 52060

United States v. Boston Water & Sewer Comm'n, No. 10-cv-10250-RGS (D. Mass. Aug. 23, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for discharges of pollutants into Boston Harbor and its tributaries must pay a $235,000 civil penalty, must develop and implement various programs to address these discharges, and must implement a $160,000 supplemental environmental project to prevent leakage of sewage into storm drains.

77 FR 51826

United States v. Sterling Suffolk Racecourse, LLC, No. 12-cv-11556 (D. Mass. Aug. 22, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for violations at a horse racing facility in East Boston and Revere, Massachusetts, must pay a $1.25 million civil penalty, must perform work valued at $3.29 million to comply with a new NPDES permit, and must perform three supplemental environmental projects with an estimated value of $742,000 to protect a nearby watershed.

77 FR 50531

United States v. City of Fitchburg, No. 12-cv-11511 (D. Mass. Aug. 15, 2012). A settling CWA defendant responsible for violations in the operation of its POTW in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, must pay a $141,000 civil penalty, must upgrade its facilities and operations to achieve compliance with applicable regulations, and must undertake a supplemental environmental project to stabilize a portion of a riverbank.

77 FR 47380

EPA Region 6 announced issuance of the final NPDES general permit for the coastal waters of Texas for the oil and gas extraction point source category.