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89 FR 481

United States v. New Hampshire, No. 1:18-cv-00996-PB. Under a proposed modified consent decree, a settling CWA defendant that allegedly violated an NPDES permit by exceeding its discharge limits for total phosphorus and pH, which contributed to contamination, eutrophication, and the growth of toxic cyanobacteria in the Merrymeeting River must achieve compliance with the CWA and its permit by the end of 2025. 

88 FR 88315

EPA proposed to promulgate an aquatic life designated use that includes propagation and protective water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen for Zone 3, Zone 4, and upper Zone 5 of the Delaware River. 

88 FR 86134

EPA approved Texas’ revisions to its Public Water System Supervision program that adopted the Agency’s drinking water rules for the Revised Total Coliform Rule and Ground Water Rule.