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89 FR 2983

United States v. Ohio Refining Co., No. 3:24-cv-00039 (N.D. Ohio Jan. 8, 2024). Under five proposed consent decrees, settling CERCLA, CWA, and OPA defendants that released hazardous substances and oil at the Duck & Otter Creeks NRDA Site near Toledo, Ohio, must collectively pay $7,225,909 in natural resource damages (NRD) and $903,239 as reimbursement for NRD assessment costs incurred by DOI.

89 FR 915

EPA Region 10 reissued the NPDES general permit for federal aquaculture facilities and aquaculture facilities located in Indian country in Washington.

89 FR 703

EPA approved revisions to Louisiana's SDWA §1422 Underground Injection Control Program to include Class VI injection well primary enforcement responsibility.