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89 FR 51864

FWS announced findings that the Kiamichi crayfish, Rio Grande chub, and Rio Grande sucker are not warranted for listing as endangered or threatened species under the ESA. 

89 FR 51511

NMFS announced the initiation of a five-year review for the Maui’s dolphin and South Island Hector’s dolphin.

89 FR 48437

FWS initiated five-year status reviews under the ESA for 59 animal and plant species.

89 FR 48034

FWS determined endangered species status under the ESA for the Guadalupe fatmucket, Texas fatmucket, Guadalupe orb, Texas pimpleback, Balcones spike, and false spike, determined threatened species status for the Texas fawnsfoot, and designated approximately 1,577.5 river miles in total as critical habitat for the seven species of freshwater mussels in central Texas. 

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Haaland

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court ruling in favor of the Bureau of Reclamation and FWS in a challenge to the agencies' renewal of water supply contracts in California. Environmental groups argued that FWS conducted an inadequate consultation on the effects of the renewals on delta smelt an...

89 FR 47089

NMFS announced its 90-day finding on a petition to list the Delaware River population of Atlantic sturgeon as an endangered distinct population segment (DPS) of Atlantic sturgeon under the ESA and to designate critical habitat for the DPS, finding the petition does not present substantial scientific or commercial information indicating action may be warranted and denying the petition. 

89 FR 46838

FWS proposed to designate approximately 930 acres in Churchill County, Nevada, as critical habitat for the Dixie Valley toad under the ESA. 

89 FR 46822

FWS removed approximately 64,797 acres of land within Arizona from the designation of critical habitat for the jaguar to comply with a court order. 

89 FR 46576

FWS designated approximately 1,213,752 acres in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon as critical habitat for the coastal distinct population segment of Pacific marten under the ESA.

89 FR 45815

NMFS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Gulf of Alaska Chinook salmon as a threatened or endangered species under the ESA, and to designate critical habitat concurrent with the listing, finding that listing may be warranted and commencing a status review.