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Conservation Law Foundation, Inc. v. Patrick

A district court granted the Massachusetts Department of Transportation's (MassDOT's) motion for judgment in a case involving its violation of municipal separate storm sewer system NPDES permits in the Boston area and denied an environmental group's motion for additional injunctive relief. Once a co...

Sierra Club v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

The Eleventh Circuit vacated a lower court decision remanding a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers back to the agency and enjoining a mining company from conducting operations approved in that permit. The lower court concluded the permit's issuance did not comply with the requirements...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Coal-Mac, Inc.

A district court held that mining companies violated the selenium effluent limitations set forth in their state-issued NPDES and surface mining permits. The companies had sought permit modifications from the state's environmental agency, and when those requests were denied, the companies appeal...

Ensco Offshore Co. v. Salazar

A district court, on cross-motions for summary judgment, upheld a DOI regulation requiring oil lessees to obtain drilling permits for development and production drilling but denied both motions as to a DOI regulation setting forth new requirements for drilling in the western Gulf of Mexico. Oil...

LM Nursing Service, Inc. v. Ferreira

A district court dismissed property owners' CERCLA, RCRA, and CWA claims against the current owner of a contaminated site for damages caused by the migration of contamination onto their property. Each of the three federal statutes requires plaintiffs to provide the owner with particular notice of th...