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Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control proposed amendments to regulations governing the Title V State Operating Permit Program. The amendments would remove emergency affirmative defense provisions and references to maintain consistency with current federal requirements. A hearing will be held April 25, 2024. Comments are due the same date.

California: Toxic Substances

The Structural Pest Control Board proposed amendments to regulations governing fumigation and pesticide use standards and record requirements. The amendments would streamline reporting requirements for structural pest control applications by relocating information into a new standardized form, incorporating industry standards such as time of application and pesticide identification, clarifying supervision requirements for non-certified applicators, and making non-substantive edits for clarity. Comments are due May 14, 2024.

California: Energy

The Energy Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing building energy efficiency standards. The amendments would, among other things, introduce and update prescriptive heat pump requirements for various building types, update standards for solar photovoltaic systems and energy storage, increase efficiency standards for building envelopes and conditioning systems, improve indoor air quality requirements, establish electric-ready requirements for domestic water heating systems, and increase efficiency standards for laboratories.

California: Climate Change

The Air Resources Board proposed amendments to the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) regulation and the Zero Emission Powertrain Certification test procedure.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board reissued, with amendments, the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities. The amendments, among other things, update provisions concerning authorization of non-stormwater discharges, implement new requirements for controlling construction dewatering discharges to impaired waters or exceptional waters, and add a turbidity benchmark option to the contents of the stormwater pollution prevention plan.

Texas: Energy

The Public Utility Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing motions to intervene. The amendments would change the intervention deadline from 45 to 30 days for proceedings involving applications for certificates of convenience and necessity for new transmission facilities. Comments are due April 11, 2024.

Rhode Island: Energy

The Public Utilities Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing the implementation of a renewable energy standard. The amendments would reflect statutory changes enacted in June 2022 by changing the annual percentages of renewable energy required to achieve a 100% renewable energy standard by 2033. A hearing will be held April 11, 2024. Comments are due April 24, 2024. See

Nebraska: Natural Resources

The Public Service Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing natural gas and oil pipeline rules and regulations. The amendments would update, modernize, correct errors, and reorganize the regulations. A hearing will be held April 30, 2024. See