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San Francisco, City and County of v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, denied the city of San Francisco's challenge to an EPA order denying review of the city's NPDES permit for a combined sewer system and wastewater treatment facility. The city argued EPA violated the CWA by including in the permit two general narrative prohibitions on discharg...

Wynnewood Refining Co., LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied a group of fuel refineries' petitions to review EPA's rule extending compliance reporting deadlines under the Renewable Fuel Standard program. The group argued the rule violated the CAA by providing obligated parties less than 13 months' compliance lead time—from EPA's anno...

Texas v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court granted EPA's and the Army Corps of Engineers' motion to stay Texas' and Idaho's challenge to the Biden Administration's 2023 rule revising the definition of "waters of the United States" under the CWA. The court stayed the suit until publication in the Federal Register of the agenc...

Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Department of the Interior

The Tenth Circuit affirmed denial of conservation groups' claims in a lawsuit concerning the Bureau of Reclamation's decision to sign a water contract allowing the state of Utah to draw from reservoir releases rather than the Green River and its tributaries. The groups argued the Bureau violated NEP...

MRP Properties Co., LLC v. United States

The Sixth Circuit reversed a district court ruling in a lawsuit concerning 12 oil refinery sites that operated during World War II. The current owner of the refineries sought contribution from the U.S. government for environmental contamination discovered at the sites, arguing the government's produ...

California v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review EPA's promulgation of a rule that regulates the emission of greenhouse gases from aircraft engines under CAA §231 by aligning domestic standards with those recently promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Twelve states, the Di...

Subsidies for Direct Air Capture: Lessons From the Solar Industry

The name of the climate game right now is fast, sustained progress. The world needs this both politically and technologically to effectively fight climate change. Progress was achieved both politically and technologically with the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), which allocated $369 billion to “energy security and climate change,” amounting to the United States’ largest investment in climate action to date.